Services I offer

Why to work with me?


So many offers, so many choices. 

You might have researched the numerous therapies and teachers out there and now you are wondering "what and who is right for me".

The truth is, each of us is unique and therefore require different approach at certain stage in our life. 

It is my intention to show you the way how I can support you on your journey.


Book me for an initial call to discuss your needs.


Few years back a stranger looked at me and said I'll be empowering women under pressure.

A woman under pressure needing empowerment. Could that be YOU? 


Transformational Self-Love Therapy (TSLT)

1-1 therapy. Individual session or a bundle.

Available either online or in-person.

Laughter Yoga

Group sessions in-person.

Also available at festivals. Book me for retreats.

Positive Momentum Sharing Circles

On-going weekly and monthly online sessions.

Vibrating Higher Practice Sessions

On-going group or individual sessions, in person or online.

Sensual Body Painting and Light Touch Therapy

Available to an individual or a couple.

Strictly non-sexual. 

Adventure Companion with Life Coaching

Tell me your dreams and aspirations and let's have a chat what is possible.


Check out my portfolio.

Anything else?

Is there anything you would like to achieve in your life or help with but can't see it here? Contact me.